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50 Faces:

Karen Songhurst has worked with Cork Simon Community for over 20 years. She is currently working at our high support houses on Victoria Road.

“Seeing how people can really, genuinely find a way out of addiction and deal with the traumas of their past, that has been life changing for me as a worker.

It’s been such a privilege to be part of that journey with them, and seeing how, with the right care and the right supports they can go on to do phenomenal things.

To see someone forget us is possibly the best thing really, that we were just a little blip in their journey but now they continue to grow and to live a normal life, like any one of us.

Just to be part of that community, to know that we’re all working towards the same goal, it’s like being part of a family you know, but it’s a massive family. And some of us are hurt, and some of us need more help, and then there are those who are there to help – and that’s who we are.

And I have to say, in my own life, Cork Simon has been there for me, but I also feel like I’ve been part of Cork Simon’s story, you know, which is brilliant.”

Karen describes how her work with Cork Simon has shaped who she is today….