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Annual Impact Reports

Annual Impact Report 2023

2023 saw 1,498 men and women turn to us for help – a 9% increase in just twelve months. We met more people sleeping rough, we supported more people in our emergency accommodation and we responded to a growing complexity of need.

Annual Impact Report 2022

During 2022, we offered care and support, dignity and hope to 1,370 people – a 33% increase compared to 2021. As the last of the Covid restrictions lifted, we quickly restored all our services and responded to additional demand by increasing capacity.

Annual Impact Report 2021

2021 was a milestone year for us as we marked our 50th anniversary; 50 years of believing in people; believing that everyone who calls Cork home should have a home. During 2021 we offered care and support, dignity and hope to 1,027 people.

Annual Impact Report 2020

In 2020, Covid-19 had a far-reaching impact on all our services – not least on the men and women depending on them. Those services became ever more essential to keep everyone as safe and protected as possible.

Annual Impact Report 2019

In 2019, more people than ever were supported by Cork Simon’s Housing and Support Services – effectively one person per week moved to secure and affordable independent and supported housing.

Annual Impact Report 2018

In 2018, Cork Simon offered tailored support, compassion and hope to 1,103 people. This report highlights the challenges we faced, how we responded and the successes we as a community achieved during the year.

Annual Impact Report 2017

In 2017, over 1,300 people usied Cork Simon’s services. This report highlights the important role the wider community of Cork plays in supporting people who are experiencing the trauma of homelessness.

Annual Impact Report 2016

In 2016, more people than ever before were stuck long-term in Cork Simon’s emergency shelter. This report highlights how housing, and providing support in housing, is the key to ending homelessness in Cork.

Annual Impact Report 2015

In 2015, the need for Cork Simon’s homeless emergency support services was greater than ever. We saw record numbers of people sleeping rough, visiting our day services and staying at our emergency shelter.