Adult Homeless Integrated Health Team
Cork’s Adult Homeless Integrated Health Team of HSE doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals operates from our Day Service. The team works specifically with people sleeping rough or staying in emergency accommodation, many of whom experience very poor mental and physical health; the specialist health team is experienced in treating these complex health issues.
The Health Team includes a Community Nurse, GP, Community Psychiatric Nurse, Consultant Psychiatrist, Clinical Psychologist, Counsellors and Addiction Counsellors. They played a pivotal role in responding to the risks and challenges posed by Covid-19 to the health and wellbeing of people using our services.
“I didn’t know I was ill. Now I have a psychiatrist and a mental health nurse who call me on a weekly basis. If I had not started coming to the centre, I would not have had any of that support.”
– ‘Nora’
Homeless Health
Homelessness can make you sick; being sick can make you homeless. People experiencing homelessness tend to have higher morbidity from common physical conditions as well as conditions that are rarely found among the general population. The need for a specialist team to deal with the often challenging physical and mental health needs of people who are homeless has long been acknowledged; a government-funded health team ensures that people experiencing homelessness have access to the most appropriate health care.

We have published several reports highlighting the poor mental and physical health of people using Cork Simon services, including:
- Women’s Health and Homelessness in Cork.
- Homelessness Makes You Sick.
- Sick and Tired of Homelessness.
- Dark End of the Street – Dealing with Mental Health and Homelessness in Cork.
Hepatitis C Development Worker
In recognition of the barriers to accessing health care among people who are homeless, we have established the post of Hepatitis C Development Worker.
The service involves Hep C screening across Cork Simon services and in homeless services in the wider community here in Cork as well.
We were able to establish the service with support from the HSE.
The service includes supporting and reassuring people diagnosed with Hepatitis C through their treatment and recovery.