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Housing First

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The solution to homelessness is permanent affordable housing with a tailored support package for each person for as long as they need it.

Cork Simon Community works in partnership with the National Housing First Directorate to deliver the plan.
“I have my own home and pay my own bills. As long as I keep building on it...that's the foundation. I was going to call it a building block, but it's actually a foundation because you can't build nothing without foundation.”

– Kenny

Housing-led approach since 2013

We have been working to a housing-led approach since 2013. More recently, we have been enhancing our capacity to deliver Housing First in Cork city, County Cork and Kerry – working to our vision of a society without homelessness. 

Cork Simon's Housing First team

Our Housing First team start supporting people while they are sleeping rough or staying in emergency accommodation. We prioritise people who are long-term homeless.

The team provides support in finding and securing appropriate, affordable housing – from our own stock of housing, from other approved housing bodies or in public housing.

The team completes a comprehensive needs assessment with each person which helps identify the supports they need to help sustain their tenancy and improve their health, wellbeing and social integration.

We offer these supports to each person in their own home. They exercise considerable choice and control over how they use those supports, which are reviewed and updated regularly and remain in place for as long as each person needs.