“I never touched alcohol until I was 17. Not a drop. I left home at that stage and went to a home for homeless girls in Cork. I was in and out of there – going back home each time. I’d had arguments with my dad and that’s why I left home. He never put a finger on me. I must make sure you know that. We were just too alike. We argued and were stubborn. Both of us. We still get on – we just argue. We can’t be in the same house for long.
I’d left school when I was 16 when I got a job in the local shop. So I had some money of my own.
When I was 17 I had a nervous breakdown. I was sent to a psychiatric hospital for four months. They put me on various tablets. I was seeing a counsellor and a psychiatrist. I was on several tablets.
Dad came into my room and found me hanging. I dunno why – my mind just went blank. Before that I had hurt myself, I’d slit my wrists a good few times. I think it was something to do with the tablets. I can’t say why I had the breakdown at 17. There is nothing there we said it was because of. I would do things and I wouldn’t know why. The depression just comes and goes. One week I might be good the next I’d be crying and going mental – drinking and fighting and causing trouble. You’d be just out of it.
The tablets make you feel calmer initially. But then when you are taking them so long it feels like there is no difference. I stopped taking the tablets when I got pregnant – three years ago. I gave them all up two months ago.