Full-time Volunteering

Léargas / EU’s Erasmus+ programme support our full-time volunteering.
We have 18 full-time volunteers at any one time from Ireland and around the world giving their time, skills and experience to Cork Simon Community.
Full-time volunteers from Ireland and around the world come to Cork Simon to work alongside our skilled staff at all of our services. Full-time volunteers typically spend nine to twelve months with us as an integral part of the team. They bring skills, energy and diversity to the work we do.

Desirée – Fifty Faces of Cork Simon 2021
3 minutes duration

What does it take to be a full-time volunteer?
Full-time volunteers at Cork Simon:
- Commit 35 hours per week for at least 9 months – many stay longer.
- Work alongside staff at our Emergency and Housing services.
- Are offered accommodation and a weekly allowance.
- Participate fully in all Cork Simon activities, including training and development. All Full-Time Volunteers participate in a Technological University Dublin (TUD) Certificate in Volunteering, which is delivered in-house at Cork Simon.
Mattia Masili | Full Time Volunteer | Cork Simon Community
3.20 minutes duration
Interested in becoming a full-time volunteer at Cork Simon Community?
Register your interest here:
A number of Cork Simon’s full-time volunteers are funded through the European Solidarity Corps (ESC).
Find out more here:
Our Volunteering Team

Emma O’Connell