Come on in - A History of Cork Simon Community by Monica McNamara

In this wonderful book we hear the stories of the many people who have made Cork Simon Community what it is today.

At the heart of our story is the age-old belief that all people are created equal and are deserving of dignity and respect. In this book you will learn how, in the early years, our volunteers discarded their ties and finer clothes in an attempt to erase distinctions of class and status. These volunteers understood that friendly and open communication – on the level – was the best way to build good supportive relationships with people experiencing homelessness. You will read about how our core value of accepting people as they are, rather than how society may wish they were, has grown and evolved over the years.

The value of ‘acceptance’ in Cork Simon’s early years also meant that people were not turned away because of problem drug and alcohol use or a history of challenging behaviour. This focus on inclusion is as strong as ever in the 21st century.

Many hundreds of people over many, many years have devoted huge amounts of time and energy to stand in solidarity with people experiencing homelessness. They have offered friendship, care and practical support to the many thousands who have experienced homelessness here in Cork over the last 50 years. By putting their belief in people into action they have ensured that the great majority have put homelessness behind them for good.

This is their story.