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Who we are
Cork Simon, and all whose lives we touch, are working hard for a society without homelessness.
We are supporting more people into affordable, secure housing than ever before. We are managing our emergency services in a more trauma-informed way, offering greater security and dignity to those who rely on our services.

Learn how your donation can make a difference
Our Impact
During 2022, we offered care and support, dignity and hope to 1,370 people – a 33% increase compared to 2021. As the last of the Covid restrictions lifted, we quickly restored all our services and responded to additional demand by increasing capacity.
Support us
Homelessness in the twenty first century is marked by its increasing diversity; we now see greater numbers of women and of young people. We see people from all of the various communities and nationalities living in Cork.
There are many different ways you can support us

Gifts in Will
I want to give everyone the home cork has given me
Please take a moment to hear from Ann why she’s leaving a gift in her Will to Cork Simon Community.
If you know Cork, you know that we live in a caring community.
That sense of belonging was here before all of us – and will be here long after us.
If you would like more information about leaving a gift in your Will to Cork Simon, contact Leona on 021 4929 418.
Automate your growth
3:45 duration
men, women & children in emergency accommodation in Cork & Kerry in April.
of people staying in our emergency accommodation in May were women.
hot meals served in our soup run in May.
"I think I can get myself together here. I’m talking more about my addiction; I feel safe here. I’m grabbing this opportunity with two hands and I’m not letting go. It’s absolutely brilliant."
Personal experiences
Read some of the personal experiences from some of the people who Cork Simon have helped
Matt’s Story
Richards Story
Paula’s Story