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50 Faces:

Ann FitzGerald is a Barrister at Law. She has been involved with Cork Simon since 2005 and is a current voluntary Board member on secondment with Home for Good – a coalition of organisations and individuals who believe that Constitutional change is essential to tackling Ireland’s housing and homelessness crisis.

“Housing is absolutely a basic human right and it’s recognised in the UN Charter of Human Rights, it’s recognised in the European Union, it’s recognised in 81 constitutions in the world, it’s recognised in legislation in many other countries also.
It is as basic a human right as any other. In fact, I would argue that it is more basic than any of the other rights because you know, a right to healthcare, a right to education, a right to divorce, all of these rights are fine and good but how can anyone enjoy any of those rights if they don’t know where they are going to be sleeping at night?”

Ann discusses how Cork Simon is a vehicle for much-needed change in society...