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50 Faces:

Gus Costello has worked with Cork Simon for 11 years, looking after the maintenance of all our properties – and a bit more besides.

Gus and his team have a unique view of Cork Simon, getting to see every single part of the community through their daily work.

“When someone moves into their new home, you can see that they’re happy as well as great; like, there’s nothing better than getting a home. Everybody deserves a home. It’s actually fantastic.
The biggest thing, I think, is loneliness. The job is always second to me, going into apartments and stuff. If there’s someone in the apartment and they want to have a chat, I’d always give them time. The lads will be the same. You can tell if someone is not themselves, they’re just not in a good place.
Cork Simon is just one big, huge team. We’re all different departments, but it’s all about teamwork.”

Gus talks about the little extras that help turn a house or flat into a home ...