Turkey Trot
The 2024 Annual BHAA Turkey Trot takes place on Sunday, 15 December.
Registration starts at 9.30am
Will you take part to help raise vital funds for people experiencing homelessness?
Talk to Margaret for more details: 021 4929 415.

Will you help bring someone in from the cold?
The Simon Turkey Trot is the last Cork Business House Athletics Association (BHAA) race of the year – and it all happens in Christmas fancy dress.
Registration takes place at Blackrock National Hurling Club from 9.30am.
Race starts and finishes on Bessboro Road, off the Skehard Road.
Entries cost €10 for all runners with proceeds going towards our work throughout the year with people experiencing homelessness.
Unlike other races, runners must estimate how long the 5k route will take them to complete. The closest to their time wins.
No watches allowed!
Santa outfits optional.
Time: Registration from 9.30am
Date: Sunday, 15 December 2024
Registration at Blackrock National Hurling Club.