Sponsor a Room
(Monthly Donation)
With demand for beds at an all-time high we have never needed Room Sponsors more than we do right now.
Cork Simon worker, Denise sees the difference Room Sponsors make everyday in the lives of people experiencing homelessness.
You can become a Room Sponsor by simply taking out a monthly Direct Debit to help us keep our doors open.
We understand that sometimes you may need flexibility with your monthly gift.
Please let us know if you need to change the way you support our work.
Without Room Sponsors we couldn’t provide people like Dan with the support and services they need.
Room Sponsors make an incredible difference in the lives of people who have nowhere else to turn.
Dan knows this better than most.
Here’s Dan’s Story
Three years ago Dan was staying in a Room Sponsor room in our Shelter. He was waiting to start an addiction treatment programme. Back then, his life was in chaos – multiple bereavements, drug addiction and cruel twists of fate had brought Dan to his lowest point. Then 31, Dan had been homeless since he was just 18.Things had gotten so bad that he had attempted suicide on a number of occasions. Having a room in our Emergency Shelter gave Dan the security and peace of mind he needed to address the issues that had brought him to the dark place in his life.
Counsellors have helped Dan overcome his addiction. He no longer drinks or uses drugs and attends regular counselling sessions. Once he was ready, Dan began working with our Employment and Training team. They helped Dan to develop the skills he needed to find employment. None of that would have been possible without generous supporters like you.
Now, three years later, Dan has moved on to a Room Sponsor room in one of our High Support Houses. Although there are always staff on duty, the High Support House allows Dan to live more independently than in our Shelter. He can do the things that most of us take for granted like cook for himself and follow his own routine. Dan told us what his room means to him.
“I feel so much better about myself.”
– Dan
“It’s somewhere I can go to think, it’s my happy place. I can come up to my room and get away from everything. It’s great.” We were able to give Dan the support and guidance he needed to return to the workforce. Every morning he gets up at 5.00am to go to the laundry where he works. The hours are long, the work is hard but Dan loves it. He told us, “It’s brilliant. I like the feeling of responsibility. The job has opened so many doors for me. I feel so much better about myself. I never thought I’d be able to hold down a job again.” Dan has come an incredibly long way. It has taken a lot of hard work and commitment from him.
Our Room Sponsors play an important part in recoveries like Dan’s. Because it’s often in the room they sponsor that their healing begins. The next step for Dan will be moving out of Cork Simon and into private rented housing. Thanks to wonderful supporters like you, we will continue to be there for Dan after he leaves, supporting him for as long as he needs us, to make sure he doesn’t return to homelessness.